
Music at MES

Music class using bellsAll MES Cardinals in grades pre-k–5th grade receive 45 minutes of music instruction per week. Lessons are constructed with guidance of the standards of learning for music provided by the Virginia Department of Education Fine Arts. Weekly music lessons are influenced by a variety of pedagogical practices such as Orff-Schulwerk and World Music Drumming, and Feierabend with an emphasis on students being able to sing, say, dance, and play, in a tuneful, beatful, and artful way.  

In-Class Instruments


Students begin their recorder study in fourth grade and continue in fifth grade, enhancing their music reading abilities. Students perform and even create their own compositions.


Thanks to a music grant, we have a class set of ukuleles. Students in grades third through fifth learn basic chords, perform simple pop songs in class, and even compose their own ukulele piece.

Opportunities to Perform

Grade-Level Performances

Students in grades k–5th grade will have the opportunity to perform in concerts and variety shows. Please look at the dates, grades, and concert themes listed below:

  • Thursday, November 7, 2024: 3rd Grade - Veterans’ Day Performance at 6:30 p.m. in the MES Diner.
  • Thursday, December 12, 2024: Kindergarten and 1st Grade - Winter/Holidays at 6:30 p.m. in the MES Diner.
  • Thursday, February 27, 2025: Any Grade - MES Variety Show at 6:00 p.m. in the MES Diner.
  • Thursday, March 20, 2025: 4th Grade - Music In Our Schools Month Showcase at 6:30 p.m. in the MES Diner.
  • Thursday, April 17, 2025: 2nd Grade - Welcome Spring! at 6:30 MES Diner.
  • Saturday, April 26th, 2025 - Select 5th Grade - HCPS Festival of Arts and Sciences - TBD - TBD.

Cardinal Chorus

Students in fourth and fifth gade have the unique opportunity to audition for the MES Cardinal chorus. Students along with their grownups will fill out an information sheet and stay after school for the audition process. After the audition and students are selected, grownups will be invited to the Remind app to stay informed on rehearsals and other performances happening in the community. Rehearsals will take place once a week. Students from this ensemble are eligible to participate in the HCPS Festival of Arts and Sciences.

Contact Information

Ms. Kathryn Zeh, MES Music Teacher
Mr. Kaleel Moore, Itinerant Music Teacher

HCPS Performing Arts Mission Statement

The mission of the Performing Arts Department in Hanover County is to equip students with the skills to communicate through music and drama, with the understanding that these art forms are an important universal language and foundationally basic to our society and other cultures.

HCPS Performing Arts Philosophy

We believe…

  • Performing arts education is essential for all students.
  • Performing arts education is a sequential process integrated with other fields of study.
  • Music and theater function together as a universal language that reflects society.
  • Performing arts education teaches history, math, science, cultures, and aesthetics.
  • Performing arts education allows for the manipulation of the expressive qualities of each unique art form.
  • Performing arts education can and should promote the understanding and use of an artistic vocabulary for the purpose of evaluating both student and professional performances.
  • Performing arts education thrives in a safe and positive learning environment.
  • Performing arts education provides opportunities to increase a positive self-concept.
  • Everyone can learn successfully in a differentiated atmosphere.
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